A bit about Me

What is it you love doing? That one thing you do which gives you that feeling of satisfaction and contentment. It can be anything from being a ‘fitness freak’ to writing, your 9 to 5 job, sports or even cooking….For me, it’s my singing, my music. 

I study at university, far from home. My usual day starts off with getting ready, running for classes, meeting friends and coming back to my room to finish off my work. By the time I am done with my day, I am exhausted. Now, I am the kind of person who loves being alone – loovvee myself some ME time! Whether I choose to spend that time catching up on my TV shows or sleeping, I cherish every moment of it! But one thing I am unable to do at university, is my singing. Sure there are clubs and societies which I can attend, or even take private lessons. But I am not talking about any of that. Simply me, singing to myself, for myself. 

Somehow every time I return back home, I tend to look better and feel better about myself. From the dark circles under my eyes, to my eating habits or even social skills. I am mentally and physically stronger and happier. This I feel is only because of my music. I somehow am able to find the time to sing for myself, to listen to new music or to even record myself and upload it to my existing Youtube channel. 

However in university I feel the exact opposite, and end up not reaching the goals that I give myself. I tend to become a version of myself I do not wish to be. This is therefore something I intend to work on, to build myself up to be the person I aspire to be. 

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